Thursday, January 14, 2010

Low Mass Attendace on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation. Why?

In the diocese that I belong to and many others in our country the Mass attendance on Sunday is twenty nine percent. Seventy one percent of registered catholics do not go to Church on Sunday. On holy days the figure is seven and a half percent. In 1995 the late John Cardinal O'Connor Archbishop of New York wrote a book titled, "A moment of grace", based on the Catechism of the Catholis Church. On pages 242 -243 he says, "We are bound under pain of mortal sin when it is humanly possible for us to get to Mass on Sunday". Cardinal O'Connor states the following,"The Catechism tells us about the precepts of the Church. As with so many things other things, many people seem to believe that what we call the precepts of the Church went out the window with the Second Vatican Council. Not at all. The Catechism spells them out for us."

The first precept ("You shall attend Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation") requires the faithful to participate in the Eucharistic celebration when the Christian community gathers together on the day commemorating the Resurrection of the Lord (2042).

The third Commandment is part of the decalogue about which Jesus says the following,"Not one dot, not one little stroke shall disappear from the law until its purpose is achieved" (Matthew 5:18). "Remember to keep holy the sabbath day". Sunday Mass attendance is part of the Commandments given to Moses, it is part of the natural law and as a precept of the Church it is part of The Magisterium of the Church. How have we gotten so far away from this essential requirement of our Holy Faith? please visit this blog tomorrow when we will discuss this further.

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